From: The Secretary General
At: No. 1 Kwame Nkrumah
To: National Executive Members
At: Various National Council Members
All Branches
All Members
Date: 30 April 2020
The above subject matter refers.
We advise that the Union met the Zesa Management Representatives and discussed a wide range of issues affecting employees, especially during this COVID 19 lockdown period. The meeting was at Zesa’s instance. The following are some of the issues discussed:
The Union submitted that this outstanding payment was long overdue hence should be paid forthwith through a supplementary payroll. The Union further expressed displeasure at the unjustified delay to pay this agreed increase and how the employer’s Patten of non-compliance to CBA agreements remain unchanged. Despite concerted efforts to make the employer commit to a date of payment, Management refused to commit and instead submitted that they were outstanding processes which they were still working on. In view of this, the Union demanded that Management revert to the relevant authorities to seek authorization for payment and update the Union by Monday 4 may 2020.
The Union submitted that the outstanding arrears should be paid as a once off lamp sum payment to avoid further erosion by the hyperinflation which the country is currently going through. The Union further demanded that all employees be given the quantification of what they are owed in relation to the 2012 CBA issue for transparency, verification and knowledge purposes. In response, Management did not commit to pay as submitted but said they had taken note of the submission and will continue looking at ways to reduce the payment period. Management also advised that they had paid the first installment for 2012 CBA arrears.
On the Same issue Management also submitted that they were making their first batch of payments to ex – employees today and that all former employees who have not yet submitted their banking details to their HR departments in their regions should quickly do so.
The Employer submitted that they were still working on processes related to this issue and that they had nothing concrete to submit. The position of the Union is that the employer should pay employees inflation adjusted salaries in the interim until proper collective bargaining negotiations can be done. Inflation currently stands at not less than 900%. The Union expressed dismay at how the culture of the old Management, of insensitively neglecting , failing or refusing to negotiate timely to the detriment of employees financial interest , appears to persist with the new Management dispensation despite having given several assurances that this was the thing of the past.
The Union demanded that Zesa address with urgency, critical issues related to inadequate PPE, the need for Risk Allowance/ danger Allowance of USD100 / equivalent per day, family support and assurance of USD50 000/ equivalent for those who contract Covid 19 on duty and USD 100 000/ equivalent for those who die from Covid so contracted, in line with the letter to the Executive Chair of the 30th of March 2020. The Union also raised the inconsistencies in the distribution of fuel coupons and the lack enforcement of proper social distancing and other preventative measures for workers who are working during the lockdown period, to which Management said they will look into.
On electricity benefit Management submitted that the Board had approved to pay the tax component for first 798 units for every employee and the balance of 798 units was left open for any employee to access, but bearing the tax for those units.
The Union notes with dismay and takes great exception to Zesa Management’s paternalistic industrial relations practice which has been at the core of workers complaints before the inception of the new Management dispensation. It is perhaps a case of new wine in old skins or vice versa. Whatever it is the Union enjoins its members to stand up without fear or favour to this tyranny. Together we shall overcome.
Please revert to the undersigned for any clarification.
T Masvingwe
Secretary General