Update on ZESA collective bargaining negotiations - 25 February 2011

From:         The General Secretary        

At:              Merchant House

To:              All Members                        

At:              Various

Date:          25 February 2011                             




We refer to the above matter and advise that parties met yesterday 24 February 2011 at Kadoma and no agreement was reached.


Management offered 4% increase on basic pay which was rejected with the contempt it deserved by the Unions.  There was no movement regarding rationalization of salary scales, and parties positions remained as previously advised.


The Union is perturbed by management’s callous behaviour at a time when the cost of living has spiraled to the extent of making life intolerable for the worker.  We have warned management that if this behaviour continues on the next meeting scheduled for Tuesday 1 March 2011, we shall resort to action in defense of our interest in terms of the law.


Please revert to the undersigned for any clarifications.




T. Masvingwe

General Secretary